
Vaping will look for its config directory in the following order:

  • command line option --home
  • environment variable $VAPING_HOME
  • .vaping in the current working directory
  • $APP_DIR/vaping (.config/vaping/ or .vaping/ on most systems).

By default it uses YAML config files, but will also support JSON, which it determines by file extension, for example $VAPING_HOME/config.yml

Default Config

  plugin_path: []




The plugins section is a list defining which plugins are loaded and possibly configured to share between anything else referencing it. Each must define type, which can either be a plugin type, or the name of a previously defined type. To reference it later, name must be defined.


  • command command to run
  • interval time between pings
  • count number of pings to send
  • period time in milliseconds that fping waits between successive packets to an individual target

For example, the default of

interval: 1m
count: 5
period: 20

sends 5 pings to each host every minute, with 20 milliseconds between each one.


Config options for whisper plugin:

  • retention is a list of $time_per_data_point:$length_to_store
  • filename is the path/name of the file you'd like to write the data to
  • field is the values you want to retrieve from. i.e. avg, max, min


  • source - the probe the data will be received from
  • host - the IP/FQDN of the host being monitored
  • field - the field being written to whisper

For example:

  - name: whisper_avg
    type: whisper

    # will create one file per host
    # for example: latency-
    filename: '{source}-{host}-{field}.wsp'

    # specified which field to retrieve the value from
    field: avg

    # whisper configuration
    aggregation_method: average
    sparse: false
    x_files_factor: 0.5
      - 60:1440 # 60 seconds per datapoint, 1440 datapoints = 1 day of retention
      - 15m:8 # 15 minutes per datapoint, 8 datapoints = 2 hours of retention
      - 1h:7d # 1 hour per datapoint, 7 days of retention
      - 12h:2y # 12 hours per datapoint, 2 years of retention

Full example: examples/whisper/config.yml


The probes section is a list defining input sections. It must define at least type which may refer directly to a plugin type, or to a config defined type.

Probes may not use the same name as any plugin.

The probes section also contains output, which is a list of plugins for sending results to another service like zeromq or whisper database.


  - name: latency
    type: std_fping
      - whisper_avg
      - zmq_vodka

Custom Layouts - Graphsrv

It is possible for you to add / edit your layouts. You can use this to add additional rows/columns to the display grid.

Basic Layout example:

Create a layout.yml file.

  ## INDEX #####################################################################

    type: index
    grid: 3x3
      config: multitarget
      fit: "yes"
      targets: all

  ## DETAIL ####################################################################

    type: custom
      # row 1
      - cols:
          # col 1, render a graph
          - graph:
              config: multitarget

              # fit to column
              fit: "yes"

              # render all targets to this graph
              targets: all

              # custom graph id
              id: multitarget-1
            width: 12
        height: 100

Add mapping to the apps.graphsrv section pointing to the layout file.

    enabled: true
    layout_config_file: ./layout.yml

For more information, see graphsrv's documentation on the subject at